My Awesome Inc. Blog

This blog is meant to show a bit about me and what I am working on at Awesome Inc. BootCamp.

View the Project on GitHub KumarG23/Awesome-Blog

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My First Project🍛

My Portfolio👨‍💼

Neal Sharma’s Awesome Inc. Blog

My Family

Was your first week what you expected? Why? Why not?

When I first signed up for the class I knew absolute zero about coding. In my mind I saw myself in a dark room typing code all day. But i’m realizing that’s not really what coding is. It’s more about collaboration, which seems to be why we’re learning git and github right off the bat

What are you excited or eager to learn more about?

I am really excited to continue creating projects. I think that’s what originally drew me to this program. We will learn to create so many beautiful and creative things with what we’re learning. When we get the knowledge from this program, I think the possibilities will be close to limitless

What is something about you that can only be learned from reading this blog?

I was a professional soccer player in Brazil right after graduating high school, I have been trying to find my “thing” ever since. I have owned a gas station, been a real estate agent, been a mailman, I have done day trading, DoorDash, and so many other jobs/careers. I’ve loved what I have learned along the way but nothing quite fit. I believe this program will set me up to find my future

Check out my cat at story time!😻

Fan Not a Fan
Soccer Arsenal
Cooking Mushrooms
Golf My Driver

Week 2

What is something you wish you could do but currently do not have the coding skills to accomplish?

After this week I learned how fun it is to design your site with css. I also learned I don’t know much about functionality. I am very much looking forward to learning more about javascript and the functions that it can make.

What are you struggling with?

I think my biggest struggle so far is that I really don’t know much and I have so much to learn. Learning is something that I enjoy so I would say it’s not so much a struggle just a reality of where I am currently.

How do you solve a problem?

I definitely learn best by doing. So for example with this last project I took what I had learned in the slides and tried to add to it by just trying things. I would see what worked and what didn’t and go from there. To quote from my project this week and the golfer Sam Sneade “practice puts brains in your muscles”. I also of course use google and youtube to find different ways to do what I am trying to do. I have also been making folders with everyone’s projects, seeing what they did and trying to apply it to my projects.

What methods do you use to help get yourself unstuck?

I just keep going. I look up things on google and youtube or I look at sites that are already out there with devtools and see what they did with their designs/code. I am staying away from AI for this stuff as much as I can. I used copilot this week to help make my logo and that was it.

What are some objects that your blog incorporates?

I don’t believe I have incorporated any objects into this blog yet. I definitely plan to change that soon. I have been moving this week which hindered my time with doing much extra. I plan to start fresh next week and get to work even harder to make up for it. JavaScript seems like it opens up a ton of doors and I can’t wait to learn more. I don’t believe I have incorporated any objects into this blog yet. I definitely plan to change that soon. I have been moving this week which hindered my time with doing much extra. I plan to start fresh next week and get to work even harder to make up for it. JavaScript seems like it opens up a ton of doors and I can’t wait to learn more.

Week 4

What was helpful during Onboarding working remotely?

I really enjoy working from home. It’s great being able to work on things at your own pace/time. However, I am looking forward to really buckling down in person and getting to work.

What hindered your progress during Onboarding?

The biggest hinderance would have to be that I moved during onboarding. It basically took two days away from what I was learning. I think I made up for it but I really don’t like feeling like I am behind.

How did you overcome challenges during Onboarding?

I think the way I overcame challenges during onboarding is how I overcome any challenge. Hard work and patience. I truly believe that with those two things, plus some confidence in yourself, you can do anything.

Sprint 1

What is the number one thing that held you back this week? Why?

Definitely ask more questions. I need to use the teachers as a resource more. They really don’t mind helping. I like to figure things out on my own if I can but I need to not spin my wheels too long.

What is one thing you would like to learn more about regarding JavaScript (JSON, Data Structures), Bootstrap, or Atomic Design?

The atomic design thing makes a lot of sense to me. I should implement that more. I want to learn more JavaScript. There is a lot to it but it is extremely useful and there is so much you can do with it.

What is your “Why”?

I want to learn new things. I want to be a good role model and provider for my son. I want to make more cool things.

Sprint 2

What did you learn about that helped you understand the development process?

I feel like I am starting to understand JavaScript a bit better this week. I think by challenging myself to try for the stretch goal of doing as much as possible with just JavaScript helped a lot in my understanding.

What does it mean to develop good code?

I am no expert of course but I think good code is readable to someone who didn’t write the code. The code is DRY and organized and gets the job done.

What does it mean to be a good developer?

This is a tough one for me to answer right now as I wouldn’t say I am a good developer yet. But I think a good developer would be someone who has the skills and knowledge to turn ideas into code. Someone who is creative problem solving and design. Must have attention to detail and be collaborative with the team. Someone who is passionate about what they do.

What is one thing that programmers hate doing?

Unreadable and WET code.